Wednesday 31 October 2012

Website Analysis & Research For Mystery Jets

"Mystery Jets are an indie rock band which formed in Eel Pie Island, London, England in 2005. The band consists of Blaine Harrison (lead vocals, keyboards), his father Henry Harrison (guitar, keyboards, backing vocals), William Rees (lead guitar, vocals), Peter Cochrane (bass) and Kapil Trivedi (drums)."

Images & Logo
The first image you see on the main page is of the whole band with the lead singer in the for front which makes him seem the most imoirtant and then the rest of the band are shown gradually further distances away from the camera. There are no instruments involved suggesting they are more focussed on their image than performance and music also the flag in the background is American which can be quite confusing for new fans as they are from London perhaps suggesting they are trying to be percieved as something they are not.

The blank expressions and poses of the band suggest they are of the indie genre and the bland colours of the background and text back this up.

New Technology & Links
There isn't any links to social sites which is unusual as their target audience is teenagers. The only link to new technology is a Youtube video of their latest single.

Colour & Style
The main colours used are white, black and red. This supports the indie band stereotype of being simplistic and not over-crowding or busying a page.

Written Content
On the main page you are bombarded with tour dates and venues and the band have written messages to the fans about how excited they are for the tour and how they cannot wait to see their fans there. This makes the audience feel involved and more likely to purchase tickets or follow the band as they won't want to let them down.

Font & Layout
Of course the most important information is shown in bold text but the font is not too unformal and not too casual showing the band want almost every aspect of their website/information to be taken attention for,

Target Audience
Mystery Jets target audience is young people/ students as their music is very expressive and up tempoed. This can be seen through the website because of how they dress and through the places suggested to purchase their material.

The advertisements are very suitable for the target audience of young people because at the top of the screen it says where the bands new album is available from. The suggested places like iTunes and HMV are very much for the majority of young people. 

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