Wednesday 31 October 2012

Website Analysis & Research For Cover Drive

 Cover Drive are a four-piece band from Barbados consisting of the members: lead singer and lone female, Amanda Reifer (21), drummer “T-Ray” Armstrong (18), guitarist Barry “Bar-Man” Hill (22) and bassist Jamar Harding (18) all from Barbados.
Images & Logo
The band Cover Drive are represented to be very fashionable, sexualised and represent young, wild and free spirit of youths. This is shown by the way they are shown in photographs for example they always have the latest fashion and have very flawless, perfect appearances to match. This is much the opposite of bands in our chosen genre who are represented as being normal, average and middle class. The lead singer, Amanda, is mostly shown as being very sexualised to exaggerate the fact that she is the only female in the group so they accentuate it more.
Cover Drive are from the pop genre. This is rehiterated through the website by the use of bold colour which indie websites lack and so it's more exciting and loud.
New Technology & Links
Like the majority of artists with websites, Cover Drive's latest single can be found on the web page as one of the first things you can click on. This is a direct way of advertising their song and marketing themselves to new and previous fans. 
Colour & Style
The overall colour and style of this website for this particular band is deep, rich, royal reds depicting they, as a band, are strong headed and sure of what they want and of their music. It could also represent rawness and relate to their roots as they are all from Barbados. The style unlike those of the indie bands is a more filled web page, it's far from simplistic like Theme Park website which was practically bare.
Written Content
There is a side bar with the heading 'News' where viewers can see the latest news about the band which keeps fans updated. There is also a 'Facts' section where you can find out any fact about any one of the band members or as the band as a while, this makes the fans feel more closer to the band as they will get to know them better.
Font & Layout
Fonts for the different sections on the website are the same as the bands signature writing for their band name which keeps everything linked together and coherent. The font is exciting and not simplistic.

Target Audience 
Cover Drive's target audience is young people and teenagers from around 12-20 so they target them by choosing a colourful background to draw the eye in and accompanied with a large picture of the band also adds to the effect of this as it feels asthough they are all looking directly at you inticing you to look further onto the page. Also there is a link to the side of the video which displays more of their songs, unlike the indie bands, so you have more option of choice and variety. There is also a lot of different sections for you to click on so hardcore fans would love this as you get to know more information about the band.

The displayed adverts are suitable for the target audience because they are relevant to the band and give out information about upcoming events and also information about new songs and opportunities to win things.

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