Sunday 14 October 2012

Meet Up

On Tuesday 2nd of October, we scheduled our first proper meet up at Lee Rosy's Tea cafe to discuss where to start with our ideas. We were brainstorming ideas of different bands and at one point were thinking of choosing songs from the 60s but we changed our minds because we realised we wouldn't be able to modernise the song for the video.So instead we went with the idea of choosing an indie type band. Some of the bands we thought of 

  • The Drums
  • Grouplove - Tongue Tied
  • Foals - Total Life Forever
  • Mumford & Sons

In the end we finalised our idea to two songs; The Bravery - Ours and Little Comets - Dancing Song. We decided to use Little Comets because it has a more upbeat tempo and it suited our basic video idea better than the other.

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