Wednesday 10 October 2012

Pitch Feedback

Group 1
We really like the song and the idea but the actions of putting party hats on etc might be too repetitive, so make sure you have lots of different ideas.

Group 2
Good idea, theres a risk of making it seem like a childrens party by using generic party items e.g balloons etc. Maybe you could swap soft drinks in peoples hands for alcoholic drinks to show its a more grown up party? Could be difficult to get people to stay perfectly still.

Group 3
Our main concern was when you said you may be using the slow motion effect, only as it may be hard to sync, and may need re-shoots after. But other than that we think it was a good idea.

Group 4
Loved the song and artists! Do you have enough idea to fill the whole song?

Group 5
We thought it was a good idea however if you want to make it humourous, you would have to think of an "outside-the-box" idea to make it funny, which we think you haven't thought of yet. The freezing idea is good however for the rest of the video, it doesn't sound like you have enough to interest the audience & fill the time. Maybe adding a step-outline could have been better? But overall, we think it can work.

Our response:
After reading the feedback from the other groups after watching our pitch, we have taken into consideration that our idea may become repetitive and may not fill the 3 minute gap. To ensure that this doesn't happen we will have to:

  • Use a range of props
  • Don't just dress people up
  • Come up with an "outside-the-box" idea to differentiate between the majority of the video
  • Lots of camera angles 
Teacher Feedback:
Our teacher suggested that we add a performance at the end in which the frozen people come alive this will ensure that our video hits the 3 minute time limit set and doesn't fall behind. It also adds a bit more variety to the video. We will definitely take this notes into consideration.

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