Monday 29 October 2012

The Beat Of Our Song

We can hear a prominent beat throughout the song, however, at 1:34 to 1:45 the vocals of the song stop allowing the beat to be strongly heard. During this time, we will have our most creative idea in which we make over one person solely using close ups contrasting with the rest of the video which consists of long shots of the majority of the cast being made over. The make up will be still shots cutting to the beat so the beat needs to be strong in order for this to be achieved successfully.
In addition at 2:14 to the end of the song (2:30) the drum beat reaches it's climax and then fades outwards, until this point we have not heard a beat change as dramatic as this one giving us the opportunity to either put a creative idea alongside this point or go the complete opposite, giving a contrapuntal finish (e.g a calm ending) to surprise the audience and also give a definitive ending to the song, following conventions in which an indie song usually ends calmly.

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