Sunday 25 November 2012

Third Test Shot/Character Design

Test Shot Number: 3 
Performance Role: Bully victim and main protagonist in story-line

Natural looking make-up no excessive amounts. Simple neutral look. Hair is...nice ? lol.

Style/Colours/Intended Image:
We wanted a normal typically girly appearance so brightly pink/red jumper and long flowy hair and simplistic jewellery.

Influences on Image/Similar Styles:

    • Zooey Deschanel - New Girl (American Television Sitcom) - also we're introducing intertexuality as our protagonist is female and is the victim which is also true for Deschanel as the men usually have to come and help her out. Also Zooey is very feminine and girly precisely like how we want to portray our actress

  • Carly Rae Jepsen - pop/electronic vibe which is appropriate for the theme of our song as well in a way

An example of how a girl can saved by the band can be seen in the Noah and the Whale music video for Shape Of My Heart, this portrays the  girl as being the vulnerable one and needs the men in the bands assistance to be back in a normal situation once more. 

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