Wednesday 7 November 2012

Emmy Brown Summer Homework: Primary Research Taking Photographs

1. Performers
I decided to photograph my brother as a potential performer because he listens to a lot of indie music- i would preferably like to do an indie music video, and follows the typical style associated with this genre of music e.g skinny jeans and polo tops so he knows a lot about the conventions of indie and understands what those videos are like. In addition, he is not camera shy, so if he was to be in the video he would not look uncomfortable but more proffessional. With him being in the target audience age range for indie music of 16 to 25, listeners would find him more relatable, making the video more effective and targeting the listeners correctly.

2. Locations

I decided to photograph my friend's living room as a possible location because it's quite open plan and would make a good space for quite a lot of narrative music videos, particulary a party scene or gathering. Also, if i was to choose the indie genre, it would fit in with the image of indie as being working class and down to earth because this isn't a flashy, state-of-the-art home but just a normal house on a council estate. It also adds a more realistic touch the music video that listeners are similar to the band, they too just live in normal homes, again re-enforcing that working class image. Therefore, it would really align with this image well and be relatable to viewers and listeners. 

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