Monday 26 November 2012

Digipak Research

We are making our own digipak so have done some essential research first on existing digipaks of the same genre of our chosen band, indie. We like this digipak because:

  • Running colour scheme-Red, blue and white runs throughout all of the sections
  • Lots of pictures of the bands-establishes who they are
  • Grunge style-quite dark and gloomy, fits with the indie image
  • Name of the album and artist-establishes who they are and makes the CD easily identifiable 
  • No blank spine
  • Track listing-the consumer knows what the tracks are called and what they're getting on the CD
  • Company and record label logos 
  • Good layout-not too crowded
  • Use the shape of the CD to their advantage e.g use the hole in the CD for an 'o', quite kooky and inventive
Lesley Kernochan-The Pickle Jar
Positives of the digipak:

  • The running theme of the jar across the digipak
  • The theme of the same colours: 'sunset' inspired, orange, yellow, red and purple
  • The b+w background and subject on the front allows the colourful jar to stand out, which ties in and emphasizes the name of the album 'the pickle jar

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