Monday 26 November 2012

Change In Narrative

We have decided as a group to change the narrative of our music video because we realised that with the number of extras and cast needed there would be numerous issues with continuity which we could not risk to take. We also didn't think that the narrative suited the target audience as effectively as it could have so by making this decision we feel that the outcome will be significantly better.

Our New Idea:

  • A girl (the victim) is getting bullied in the corridor
  • Her shopping drops all over the floor
  • The band are loitering about on the street, they see her
  • They go to help her, victim runs in house
  • The band follow
  • They see her in the window and sing 
  • Appear in the house and sing
  • Performance of first verse
  • Victim sat there miserable, ignores band
  • The band run to find people to cheer her up
  • Get one person from: the toilet, a bed and cupboard
  • They try to make her dance-it doesn't work
  • Dance around her
  • Offer her: money, a puppy and a trifle 
  • She still isn't happy
  • Offer her a boy, she is happy
  • They all dance together
  • They all dance out of the house
We feel this new idea is much simpler yet more effective as it adds more humour and emphasizes a party scene more-appealing to the target audience of teenagers. We also include alcohol, dancing and romance which again re-emphasizes this. 

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