Wednesday 19 December 2012

Website Changes

As our website was getting difficult to edit, due to its size, we started again.
We feel this website is more in-keeping with our CD cover style.

Monday 10 December 2012

Website Update

After much discussion, we have decided to find a new layout for our website as we felt the previous one just wasn't working for us. Here is a preview of what we have done so far:

Little Comets album art analysis

Above, is the real album cover for the Little Comets which is very processed, unrealistic looking with an almost creepy but cool look. It's very abstract in that we don't know what's going on which is the theme we want to go with. The font is very skinny, displaying a more quirky edge and the children represent the youth of the band: they're silly, they mess around. This, again, follows the indie image in that they don't follow the rules or take themselves too seriously. The location, possibly a run down derelict area, almost represents a more working class area which is what the indie bands also portray.

Digipak update

Tools used:
Photoshop CS5
Bamboo Pen Tablet

We have updated the digipak and added the back cover. To create this we started making a layered background on Photoshop and then painting the balloon over this. We added text in our chosen font: 'Ostrich Sans Rounded'. We then did the spine of the CD, we kept this simple by just putting on the name of the artist and album.

Latest Update


Things that we still need to complete for the digipak are to create the back and front cover and inside sleeve of the CD. For the website we just need to add our own photographs of our representation of the band and decide which website design we want to go with so that we can finalise the information we want to add in to make it seem like an actual working band website. We plan to take these necessary photographs this coming weekend on the 16th December 2012, after this we foresee production of everything else will be completed faster and easier

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Digipak CD Cover Draft 2

We updated the previous digipak to this version in which we feel represents the band better and portrays a more hand drawn, rustic and abstract look. By using Photoshop and a Pen Tablet we were able to draw the layered background of blues and draw the balloon. The colours are purposely messy, emphasizing that home made, do it yourself, image. We then used a cross processing effect to give an abstract edge. We copied the Little Comets' font, which is skinny, for the cover and a handwritten look.

Digipak Front Cover Draft 1

This is the first idea of our digipak that has been produced in photoshop. It is of a balloon leaving earth with a magnifying glass looking down on it. As you can see it is very homemade which is similar to the Little Comets' (our chosen band) style. It's also very over processed and unrealistic, showing the band are not too serious-keeping with the indie image, which also follows the band's original image.

On the search for a font!

For our digipak we are searching the perfect font to coincide with the images and the band as a font can say a lot. We want a modern, yet almost silly, font showing the band don't take themselves seriously but are still contemporary. There almost has to be an element of cool and rustic, for the indie image the band has, so a handwritten font would look most natural and down to earth.
After searching here are our choices:

  • Problems by Skyhaven Fonts

  • Brain Flower by Denise Bentulan

  • Aracne by Julia Martinez

Monday 3 December 2012


We have sketched an image of a balloon for our website as they tie in with the music video and digipak. We sketched them because we wanted to add some originality instead of just using google image.
Here is the final image with this sketch incorporated onto our website:

16 Days Until Deadline

There's only 16 days until the deadline for the digipak and the website. We are currently finalizing our ideas about the digipak, to then make one as we changed our idea for our music video we had to completely scrap our previous plans. The website is almost finished, we just need to replace the pictures of the band Little Comets with our own interpretations.